good news everyone

I’ve got some great news related to this image. And I’ve got a new skill.

The Pool at Loews

More Speaking

When I first started learning Ruby on Rails way, way back in 2007, my only goal was that I be able to “work when I want, where I want” so that I could guarantee family time. If Chloe has a soccer game, I should be able to watch it. If Charlie’s having cupcakes at school, I should be able to help serve them. If Callie’s sick, I can comfort and nurse her back to health.

When thinking about which niche of software development would grant me that freedom with a healthy dose of job security, I quickly settled on web development. A few years into my web development career, I landed at Big Nerd Ranch (née Highgroove Studios before the merger). At Big Nerd Ranch, I found a company whose values matched mine which would allow me to work when I want and from where I want.

That was in 2010. Once a goal is met, it is time to set new goals. After settling in at Highgroove Studios, I found myself surrounded by super-sharp people and I came up with new professional goals. I wanted to blog more, I wanted to become an expert! I looked up to the speakers at the regional conferences I attended. I loved learning from them and I wanted to share my passion for a technology that facilitated me reaching my professional goals.

It took a while but earlier this year I had the pleasure of presenting at RubyConfIndia where my talk was well received. Success!! I was honored to be accepted and grateful that I work at a place that was supportive (Big Nerd Ranch paid for my trip!) but I knew that I had more to do.

Before RubyConfIndia, my favorite Ruby conference was always RubyConf. Though I love regional conferences, especially RubyHoedown, the breadth and depth of RubyConf presentations always energized me more than any other conference. So it is with great pleasure that I’m able to announce that I’ve been accepted to speak at RubyConf 2013 - Miami Beach.


More Skills

Yesterday I turned thirty five. So instead of working on my lengthy todo list of personal projects, I decided to learn a new skill, once that I’ve been aching to learn for some time now, making gifs where only one part of it moves.

Check it out!