weechat karmageddon

At Big Nerd Ranch, we often times use campfire for chat. We’ve integrated the awesome hubot but with our own little twist.


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Sharing Files On Unix

Here’s a task I’ve had to do many times and I’m always looking one or two (or all) of the commands up on the interwebz.

Sharing is caring - Oasis 21

How to setup file sharing between two unix users.

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Meta post!


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bugs be gone

NO MOAR BUGZ! One down, an infinite more to go.

fly session

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Athens Developers Rejoice

Jess Brown and I have started a software developer’s group in Athens. We want to ensure that the technology industry in and around Athens continues to be vibrant and grow. We also tired of driving to Atlanta for all the great meetups. There’s plenty of awesome developers and techy things in and around Athens.

Come and learn about Nginx from Jacob Thomlinson of Rentpost and Coffeescript from John Maxwell of the Agile League at our next meetup this Tuesday.

Meetings are the first Tuesday of the month. Food starts at 6:00pm and presentations start at 6:30pm. Follow @athsoftwaredev for future announcements and keep up with the group.


Yikes, welcome back blog!


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